Monday 2 September 2013

How to build Self Confidence

Self confidence is something which is required in every walk of life. Be it your relationships, career, goals or feeling of happiness, you need to have confidence in yourself to have better of everything. Without confidence your performance cannot be at that level you want. Extent of feeling of self confidence is different in different areas. You may feel confident about your completing of the tasks and solving problems, but at the same time you may feel under-confident at public speaking. So you need to know about yourself, in which areas you feel confident and in which you don’t, so that you can develop your confidence in those particular areas.

But how will know about in which areas you are confident and in which you aren’t? The answer is not very difficult to find. Success and confidence, these two things go hand in hand, or coexist. If one is there other has to be there. So if you observe a successful person, you will find he is having self confidence in himself. On the other hand, if you aren’t successful in some area, you need to build self confidence in that area.

Tips to build self confidence

People think that self confidence is something which some people have naturally and it can’t be developed. But this is completely false. You can develop confidence in any area you want. All you have to do is to change the way of your thinking and the way you feel about yourself. You need to take some actions to build self confidence. The important ones are shared below.
Respect yourself, have self esteem

The first step to build self confidence is to respect yourself.
If you can’t respect yourself, no one else will. You need to have high self esteem. You might have seen, the people who don’t respect themselves feel that they aren’t good enough. This is the same way everyone else feels about them. On the other hand people with high self esteem are confident. You need to learn to appreciate for what you are. You have to love yourself.

Focus on your positive side

You have both sides, positive and negative. When you focus on the positive side, you feel confident and when you focus on the negative side you don’t. To build self confidence, look at your strengths, qualities, talents and skills, and feel good about them. You should know your weaknesses also but you don’t have to dwell over them every time. Think about your past successes instead of your failures. Failures are the mistakes you have to learn from and nothing else. The key to feel confident is to have dominant thoughts of your mind about the good in yourself and about yourself.

Taking actions

You fear doing things in which you don’t feel confident. But when you start taking actions anyway in spite of your fear, you gain experience and the next time you do that thing you feel more confident. Two things fear and self confidence, can’t stay together. When you feel the fear you don’t feel confident, when you feel confident you don’t fear. To remove fear from your mind the best thing you can do is to work on your fear. Every time you work on what you fear, fear diminishes and you build self confidence.

When you lack confidence, you try to give excuses to yourself like you would do it when you’ll have better circumstances, better health or more money, or acquired perfection in some skills. Remember, the best time is now, if you keep on waiting for the things to become better then you won’t be able to take action. Take action now, you may feel the fear at first but let it be done. At the end you will feel confident definitely.

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