Monday 2 September 2013

Don’t compare yourself with others

Do you, like many other people, compare yourself with others frequently in every possible area? I also used to compare myself with others until the day I realized how useless and how harmful it is. Today I am going to show you why you shouldn’t compare yourself with others. Actually this very act of comparing creates many roadblocks in your way to self-improvement and personality development. You can’t be yourself when you are comparing yourself with others. This way you create a desire to be that person with whom you are comparing yourself. If you observe successful people, do you think they compare themselves with others? They don’t that’s why they are what they are.

It is pointless to compare yourself with others

Is there any point in comparing yourself with others? Generally you compare yourself with others in some specific area like your work performance, your social relationships or reputation, your achievements etc. But just think are you having the same qualities as those people are having? You might think that you have some qualities in common on the basis of which comparison can be made. But that is meaningless too. Your performance in any area isn’t governed by any single quality, other aspects of your life are also there which create the difference.
For example you and your friend have similar areas of strengths at your workplace, so you may compare yourself with him. But your performance is not only dependent on those similar strengths, but also on other things like your mental state which is affected by your outside circumstances like family, relationships etc. which aren’t same as your friend’s. The same is true for any other area. All the aspects collectively decide your current state of affairs.

So this is meaningless to compare yourself with others because you are not the same person as any other person on this planet. You are genuine and unique. You are your own type. And this is the way every other person on this planet is.

Why it is harmful to compare yourself with others

Okay, you may have agreed that comparing yourself with others is useless. But is it sufficient reason to quit this habit of comparing? If not, then let me tell you the harmful effects of this, after that you will definitely quit this.

When you compare yourself with others, whatever you get is the false information. When you compare yourself with a person in a particular area in which you are better than him, you feel a false sense of satisfaction. This is nothing but negative satisfaction. Many people are addicted to this. They compare themselves with others to feel superior.

On the other side, when you compare yourself with others in some area in which you feel they are better, you feel miserable and have a feeling of pity for yourself. This erodes your confidence in yourself, and you know very well the value of self-confidence. This makes you feel low. All this is definitely going to affect your performance.
Another area which is affected when you compare yourself with others is your personality development. How you feel about yourself is what others feel about you, because you can’t help in showing in some way your real inner feeling. And you can’t be yourself when you constantly compare yourself with others. This is because comparing gives you wrong information on the basis of which your behavior is determined and you deviate from your true self. When you are not in alignment with the real person inside you, you can’t expect to have an attractive personality.

With what you should compare yourself actually

Now you might be thinking with what you should actually compare yourself? You have to compare yourself with the real person inside you. Compare, are you being yourself? Compare yourself with what you really want to become. Have you really achieved those qualities which you always wanted to have? Are you having that personality you always wanted? These are the areas where you should actually compare.

You don’t have to compare yourself with others to have a happy and fulfilling life. You and only you is going to decide what you want to really achieve.

xox Manka

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